All indirect material, tooling and supplies managed
in a single uniform catalog under database control.

Regain Control with CRIBWARE

CRIBWARE puts you back in control...
so you will know what is going on with your tooling and other indirect material.

Tooling and Supply Management

CRIBWARE control software is a proven management solution for
all your tooling, MRO, gages, instruments, safety and maintenance

  • Online item catalog
  • Usage/cost Tracking
  • Inventory control
  • Automated replenishment
  • Kit, assembly and fixture management
  • Gage availability and tracking
  • Integrated drawings/documents
  • Shelf life management
  • Re-use/rework/scrap
  • Performance analytics

CRIBWARE software has become the industry standard due to its
dependability, broad functionality and modularity.

The CRIBWARE system effectively manages indirect materials. These materials are not on a product BOM and are a major expense not handled efficiently by MRP/ERP systems.

With CRIBWARE, you will find a quick payback from: lower tooling/supply spend, more reuse/recycle, less expediting and less administration time.

Know what you have

Item master catalog with complete description details...
powered with advance search.

The power of CRIBWARE

With CRIBWARE, you know what items you have and what you need with real-time information. Material classification is the foundation of a successful tool management installation and the CRIBWARE classifications include reusability (returnable or non returnable), category (item, tool, gage, fixture, shelf life, chemical, assembly, kit), and condition (new, used, other).

Standardized part numbering and over 10 reference fields for both purchasing and manufacturing personnel, makes searching for items or substitutes fast and easy with a powerful search.

See more details on our Material Catalog

Know where it is

Is it in storage? Issued to a job? Is it being serviced?


Complete location management!

Whether it's perishable or durable material, you want to know where it is.  Usage is tracked by employee, and if you need to, by department, machine, job, operation and/or two user defined fields. Because item location and real-time quantities can be viewed at any time, critical resources can be traced to their point of use.

The CRIBWARE system monitors not only usage, but gage calibration, rework and scrap activities. Extensive reports provide immediate and comprehensive information on location, receiving, calibration, rework and scrap status.

Learn how CRIBWARE tracks your materials so you can find them.

Read more information on how inventory control shows the location of your items.

Know when to replenish

Never run out of your critical items


View more information on CRIBWARE's replenishment capabilities.

Complete purchasing and reorder control

Replenishment is crucial to efficient operation. The cost of "running out" is usually many more times than the cost of the material. The real cost of a stock out includes down time, firefighting and expediting. CRIBWARE inventory control tracks issues, returns and receipts, and notifies the user when an item falls below its designated on-hand stock level. The item is added to a reorder list so that purchasing managers know when to order, eliminating untracked or sporadic buying habits. You can view reports on open orders, vendor commitments, order timing and past due items.

Too much safety stock and duplicate items result in higher inventory costs. The CRIBWARE software helps with item standardization and vendor reductions. Usage and purchase history help you adjust min/max restock levels. By keeping less inventory on hand, you minimize the inventory carrying costs and reduce the amount of unused and potentially obsolete stock in your facility.

Delivers Results


Results of regaining control

There are significant benefits of implementing a CRIBWARE system, in productivity gains and cost reductions.

Replenishment is crucial to efficient operation. The cost of "running out" is usually many more times than the cost of the item. The real cost of a stock out includes down time, firefighting and expediting.

Knowledge of what is used, where it is used and the associated cost is crucial to effective material management. What is used, where it was used, by whom and what job are answered with CRIBWARE.

Too much safety stock and duplicate items result in higher inventory costs. The CRIBWARE software manages order points and identifies duplicate material.

Order points insure availability and real-time location information enables immediate access. Extend CRIBWARE with CRIBPOINT vending and secure storage machines to provide point of use availability.

The CRIBWARE system is a multi-location, multi-bin inventory management system providing immediate location information for all your indirect materials.

Reduces find, hunt and walk time, provides the right item, at the right place, at the right time.

The CRIBWARE material definition and classification simplifies standardization and provides easy access to the standardized item. Changes to the standard are easily documented and implemented.

Reports documenting the last usage date identify obsolete items.

Reuse material with improved monitoring of usage and return condition.

Immediate, on-line information and analysis provide insight for production improvements and cost reductions.

Eliminate hand written requests, re-keying of information. Eliminate untracked or sporadic buying habits, reducing the number of purchase orders.

Tooling personnel are responsible for a large company investment. CRIBWARE software automation energizes productive operations. Repetitive clerical operations are performed by the CRIBWARE system, freeing up personnel for other technical and productive duties.

Eliminate information and workflow silos that inhibit efficiency.

Start controling your materials

Regain control and get in the know.